Thursday, September 24, 2009

oh, it's just a little bit of dust, that's all!
yeah! only about FIVE MILLION TONNES!! haha! can you believe it???

it was truly amazing... as the dust storm rolled in yesterday, there was a really eerie orange glow & it was really windy - it was a bit unsettling i thought. this is a photo out the back of my place... i'd love to see your photos, if you were lucky enough to be smothered as well!!


  1. Your photo looks like sepia! Quite beautiful actually (if only it weren't dust).

  2. thank you for the sweet comment.
    isn't the dust just CRAZY!!


  3. It was eerie although not quite so orange in our parts, more smokey. I posted a pic on my blog yesterday. At least I purcahsed a new beaut vacuum cleaner a week ago, perfect timing :)

  4. Not only did I purcahse a vacuum cleaner, I purchased one too O_O.

  5. I keep finding areas that I missed when I was cleaning the dust up this morning!

  6. oh, you are good nicole! ...i'm a bit slack & we're still traipsing through all the dust, leaving footprints everywhere on my dark tiles!!! ...but i'm just delaying the inevitable! *sigh*

  7. I heard about this! Must have been an experience. Loved the pic - did you get all the dust in your house?

  8. yes, we got plenty of dust in the house!!'s all gone now of we just have the regular kind of dust in the house! haha!


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